Welcome to a More Livable Future

Through innovation and advocacy, we remove barriers and promote accessibility for a more inclusive and livable world.

A Brief Look at Our Initiatives:

Livable RVA

Welcome to Livable RVA, where awareness becomes action! We’re not just promoting livability; we’re cultivating a movement that reshapes the accessibility landscape in Richmond. Join us as we collaborate with the community to make public spaces universally accessible, produce captivating videos showcasing inspiring stories, and launch social media campaigns that ignite change. Livable RVA is your gateway to not just awareness but tangible steps toward a more inclusive city. Let’s make accessibility a way of life for everyone.

Accessibility Assessments

Accessibility isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept, and that’s where Team Livability comes in. Our experts offer a fresh perspective on access, whether it’s enhancing your business, making your home more accommodating, or curating an inclusive event. Once you start thinking about accessibility, it’s hard to stop, and we’re on a mission to make that perspective infectious. Join us in creating a city where inclusivity is the norm, one space at a time.

“We want the concept of ‘livability’ to expand the way people think; to open their eyes. There are people who feel invisible once they’ve reached a certain age or ability level.
Everyone deserves to be seen and heard.

– Bill Sweeney, Founder